Strawberry Recipes
The strawberry recipes category is where you will find recipes that include fresh strawberries in the ingredients.
Fresh strawberries are a very popular winter or summer fruit that can be enjoyed fresh from the grocery store, farmers market, or grown in your back yard garden.
Strawberries can be used in dessert recipes like strawberry pies or savory recipes like Strawberry Balsamic Chicken.
You can also combine the sweet and savory flavors in recipes like Strawberry Balsamic Ice Cream for a creative way to serve the red plump fresh fruit.
You can also preserve fresh strawberries by making jam or jelly. Canning and dehydrating are popular methods to preserve strawberries so you can enjoy them when they are not in season.
A basic homemade strawberry jam recipe that is smeared over a hot biscuit and loved by everyone.
Or you can combine strawberries with another fruit to make jam or jelly. An example would be Mixed Jam or Carambola and Strawberry Jam.
You can also dehydrate fresh strawberries and use them in oatmeal, smoothies and eat them as a dried fruit snack.