Today I am sharing 25 recipes made using fresh herbs. During the spring and summer months when the garden is bursting with herb plants.

Do you love using fresh herbs in your recipes? I do. I have a lovely container herb garden in my backyard.
When I need some fresh basil, dill, mint, thyme or rosemary all I have to do is walk out the back door and snip a few stems.
My backyard herb garden is one of my biggest pleasures in life because I love gardening and using fresh herbs in my cooking.

Do you have a favorite herb to cook with? I have so many favorite herbs I'm not sure if I could pick just one.
Rosemary is the one herb that love to grow because fresh tastes so much better than dried.
The flavor of fresh rosemary can't compare to what you buy in a bottle at the grocery store.
If you have an overabundance of fresh herbs here are 25 Recipes Using Fresh Herbs. I know you will find a few that you can try.
25 Recipes Using Fresh Herbs
Cooking with fresh herbs adds so much more flavor to a recipe compared to a bottle of dried herbs.
Fresh basil can be used in sweet or savory recipes. It is used in pasta sauce and can be used to make a refreshing drink.
You must have fresh dill if you like making homemade pickles, cucumber salads and dips.
Fresh mint is used to flavor many a summer cocktail. The Mojito is a favorite of mine. It can be added to a drink or as a garnish on many other summer drinks.
Rosemary can be used in savory dishes like chicken, breads, grilled sandwiches and savory jams.
Thyme is a delicate herb that is used to season soups and stews but also adds a delightful flavor to lemonades.
Fresh herb combinations
These recipe use a combination of favorite herbs.
How to grow herbs
I am pleased to announce the released of The Backyard Herb Gardening - Simple Tips to Help You Grow a Successful Herb Garden eBook I recently published. Packed full of tips to help you grow your own fresh herbs this eBook will get you on the right track to growing and harvesting all your favorite fresh herbs.
This is my biggest downfall, I need to learn more about growing ans using Herbs. Thanks for sharing.
Arlene Mobley
Amy it is not so hard. You should try it. Start slow with on plant and work your way up.