To help make your Fall pumpkin carving a huge success I have put together this Pumpkin Carving Gift Guide.
One of my families favorite Fall activities is Pumpkin Carving. We make a big production out of it from going to the local pumpkin patch and picking out the perfect pumpkins for the kids and adults to carve.

To getting the family all together to carve the pumpkins and do fun Fall crafts with the kids.

Disclosure: Links in this pumpkin carving gift guide are affiliate links. If you make a purchase based on my recommendation I will earn a small commission.
Best Pumpkin Carving Kits
We love carving pumpkins. We make a big deal out of it. The adults get involved and we try to out do each other with our pumpkin carving designs.
Last year I found a great pumpkin carving tool kit that is for the serious pumpkin carver. It comes with a case to safely store the carving tools for next year and stencils.
My son in-law Scott has some mad awesome pumpkin carving skills so when I saw this awesome pumpkin carving kit I bought us both one.
- Realistic Pumpkin Carving: 24 Spooky, Scary, and Spine-Chilling Designs: Want to go all out and carve a 3D realist pumpkin? Check out this 96 page paperback book that will teach you the tricks of the trade to pumpkin carving realistic faces.
- 100 Pumpkin Carving Stencils: If you need help figuring out the perfect pumpkin carving theme this book is packed full of pumpkin carving stencils to make it easy.
Best Pumpkin Carving Tool Kit for Kids
When it comes to pumpkin carving with kids safety should be your number one priority. Carving pumpkins will always include some type of pointy or sharp carving tool.
In most cases of pumpkin carving your child with be handling a sharp carving tool. Most pumpkin carving kits, even the ones marketed to children include at least one tool that has a sharp blade.
You know your child better than anyone and whether or not your child is mature enough to use a sharp pumpkin carving tool.
You should always monitor children when they are using even plastic pumpkin carving tools. Children should always have adult supervision when carving pumpkins.
Parents can do the more difficult pumpkin carving with a sharp carving tool for small children then let them use the safer plastic carving tools.
- Pumpkin Masters Pumpkin Carving Kits are probably familiar to most anyone who has ever bought a pumpkin carving kit. It comes with everything you need for the kids to have fun carving and glow in the dark painting a pumpkin.
- Pumpkin Carving Kit with Free Stencils & Witch Finger, 22 PCs Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Knife
No Carving Pumpkin Decorating Kits for Kids
If your kids are too young to carve a Halloween pumpkin or you don't want them handling sharp carving tools there are a few options available that will alllow even the youngest child to get in on this fun traditional Halloween activity.
- Pumpkin Decor Kit Push In No Carving:
- Halloween Funny Face Pumpkin Decorating Premium Craft Kit Foam Stickers: This fun kit comes with enough foam stickers to decorate 12 pumpkins. This pumpkin decorating kit is perfect for class room pumpkin decorating or for a fun Halloween party activity for kids.
- 20 Sheets Halloween Stickers Sheets Pumpkin Decoration Stickers Lantern Face Stickers: If you are trying to avoid the mess factor this huge set of pumpkin face stickers is for you. The youngest kids can help decorate pumpkins with stickers.
Halloween Themed Food
How To Clean and Roast Pumpkin Seeds
Now that you have carved all those Halloween Jack'O Lanterns you probably have a huge pile of pumpkin seeds leftover.
Instead of throwing them on the trash pile why not make some roasted pumpkin seeds instead ?
Janie Lundberg
Hi Arlene,
I love everything you show. They make my mouth water and stomach growl. Do you have a recipe for salisbury steak?
Arlene Mobley
Thank you so much! No I don't have a Salisbury steak recipe. I'll see what I can do about that!