Back To Basics Living eBook Bundle Sale Page
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January 16th-22nd the Back To Basics Living eBook Bundle, an $800 value for only $29.97 - a 96% discount if you were to purchase each eBook individually!

Special Exclusive Purchase Bonus for my readers!
Anyone who makes a purchase of the Back To Basics Living Bundle through my link will be entered in a separate random drawing for a $30 Amazon Gift card! This link has a special tracking code assigned to me.
If you should click on the link through another Back To Basics Bundle participants link you will not be entered in my Amazon bonus giveaway. It is very important that your purchase is made through this special tracking link!
This special sweeps drawing will take place 30 days after the end of the Back To Basics Living Bundle Sale to allow for returns. You are only eligible for the special drawing with a completed non returned purchase.