Easy DIY Chalkboard Labels

To make the Chalkboard Canning Jar Labels you will need
- a can of Chalk Paint
- Ball Blue Heritage Canning Jars
- Ball Dissolvable Canning Labels
- Sponge paint brush
- Newspaper, recycled packing paper or a piece of plastic to protect your surface
- Lay your paper or plastic out over your work surface to protect it from any spills or splatters of chalkboard paint.
- Unroll a strip of about 4 Ball canning labels and tape the ends to your protective paper so they lay flat.
- Repeat with as many rows of labels as you would like to make.
- Shake the can of paint to mix it and carefully open it with a paint can opener or a flathead screw driver.
- Dip the sponge paint brush in the can of paint and in one sweep paint a layer of chalk paint over each row of labels.
Paint across the labels with the chalkboard paint in the least amount of brush strokes as possible to cut back on lumps and ridges caused by the paint brush.
* I know you can avoid the lumps and bumps from a paint brush by using chalkboard spray paint. I haven't used spray paint in many years because I do not like the hazard of breathing in the fumes or trying to avoid overspray. I used the Rust-Oleum paint in the middle of my kitchen and didn't even notice a strong smell from paint fumes like you get when you use spray paint. For me this is the route I decided to go. Plus I don't like have to set up outside, deal with the elements and then bring everything back in the house. This way is so much easier.
Leave the labels taped to your work surface until dry. I placed a small fan in front of my labels and they were completely dry in about 10 minutes.
When the chalkboard paint is completely dry prime your labels by rubbing a piece of chalk over the top and wiping them clean with a dry rag.
Write on the labels you will be using. Store the unused labels in an envelope to protect them.
Write the contents of your jars on the label and attach them to the front of the pretty Ball Heritage Blue pint canning jars.
These beautiful limited edition Ball Heritage Blue canning jars are pretty hard to come by. They keep selling out and are on backorder in many online stores.
Amazon still has them so if you want them you better grab them while you can.
Pretty cool idea - and easy to do in batches like that.
I also recommend whiteboard paint labels - you can use it on just about anything and can put it on stickers as well. It has the upside of being a bit easier to erase and reuse, and you can use different base colors if you want something other than transparent or white.
I am the Kid's Pastor at our church and I was thinking about using this idea to create "Manna Jars." We are learning about how God provided manna from heaven for the Israelites during their journey to the promised land. The kid's will place tangible items inside the jar that represent how God has provided for them. If they display it someplace in their home, guests can see the jar and ask, "What is a manna jar?" This gives them opportunity to share stories of how God has provided.
Quick questions about the labels...Since I am using them with kids, do the labels stick well to the jar? Will i run the risk of them coming off easily?
Brett Sall
Associate Pastor
Vintage City Church
Fort Collins, Colorado
Flour On My Face
Hi Brett
The labels stick to the jars very well as long as they do not get wet. The glue on these labels are water soluble. If someone was to pick the jar up with wet hands and the water get on the label it may dissolve the label. Since you are going to do this project with kids I would use a different label. Avery sells a large selection of different sized labels that are not water soluble and will not come off without some serious scrubbing.
Thanks for the ideas! I have to admit chalkboard paint is one of the most useful things I have ever bought!
What a great idea! Love it 🙂
Flour On My Face
Thank you Lyuba!
How smart are you?? This is a great idea. Seriously wonderful! Please share on our link party Tuesday?! BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop.
Hope all is well with you, nice to see you! All the Best - Sharon and Denise
Flour On My Face
Thank you so much! Sorry I didn't see this before your linky closed! I have been good thanks!
I painted the back of my kitchen door with chalk paint. My son uses the bottom half and I have the top half - it is great for recipes or notes.
Love your idea!
Flour On My Face
What a great idea to paint your door! Thanks for stopping by!
Great idea! This is easy, inexpensive, very useful for many ideas to sprout from! Thanks!
Michelle @amourbeurre
Love this idea- what an awesome way to make a kitchen more organized AND adorable!
Flour On My Face
Thank you so much.