How To Make Instant Pot Applesauce

Homemade applesauce can be made in the pressure cooker in just 20 minutes. Save this apple recipe for when you are craving the sweet tart flavors of homemade applesauce.


Large Apples Lemon Juice Water Ground Cinnamon Sugar

Scrub the apples under cold running water. Peel, core and chop 2 to three apples at a time. Add the chopped apple pieces  to the bowl and toss the apple pieces to coat all sides with the lemon juice.


Pour the apple pieces into the Instant Pot. Add the water and ground cinnamon to the Instant Pot. Use a large wooden spoon to toss the apples pieces and coat with the cinnamon.


Place the lid on the Instant Pot. Lock it into the sealed position.  Press the manual button and set the timer to 5 minutes. When the Instant Pot finishes, allow the steam to naturally release for 15 minutes. After fifteen minutes open the Instant Pot.


Use a potato masher or immersion blender to break up the cooked apples if you like it chunky. Use a blender if you like a smooth applesauce consistency. Refrigerate the applesauce and use within a week.


Crock Pot Applesauce


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