Carambola and Strawberry Jam

This carambola and strawberry jam recipe is a great way to preserve fresh carambola fruit so you can enjoy those star-shaped tropical fruits all year long.


Carambola Strawberries Sugar Lemon Juice Liquid Pectin Butter Or Margarine

Clean and slice the carambola  before putting the fruit in the pot. Wash hull and slice strawberries. Add the sugar into the large pot and place on the stove on a medium heat. Stir the fruit and sugar with a wooden spoon.


Add the lemon juice and butter or margarine to the pot. Stir the sugar and fruit occasionally. Allow the sugar to melt completely on the medium heat.  Once the sugar has melted turn the heat up to medium-high, carefully stirring occasionally and bring to a rolling boil.

Add the liquid pectin and bring to a rolling boil once again. Cook fruit mixture for one full minute using a timer. Once the minute is up, remove the pot from the heat to your countertop. Once the mixture settles down, skim the foam from the top with a large spoon.

Using a ladle and a wide mouth funnel fill your jars leaving ¼ of headspace. Wipe the rims of the canning jars with a damp paper towel and put the flat lid on. Screw your lid bands on. Continue filling all your jars and process in a boil water bath for 10 minutes.

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