Wash the peaches in cold water to remove any dirt or insects. Mix ½ teaspoon of Fruit Fresh with one cup of water in a large bowl. Set aside. Cut the peach in half vertically. Twist the peach in half and remove the pit. Cut each peach half in half so you have 4 quarter pieces of peach to work with.
Ripe peaches are very easy to peel with a sharp paring knife. If the peach is ripe enough you can work an edge away from the flesh with the tip of a knife and slowly pull it away from the peach flesh without much waste. Slice each peach quarter into 1/4 in. slices and place into fruit fresh mixture.
Arrange the slices in a single layer on a dehydrator tray. Lining the trays with a mesh screen liner will help keep the bulky trays cleaner and to help the pieces of fruit to their hold shape. Continue loading the trays until you run out of sliced peaches. Dehydrate the peaches at 135°F for 3-8 hours, depending on thickness of peach slices and the model of dehydrator you are using.
Peel the pieces of dried fruit from the trays and allow to come to room temperature before checking for to make sure there are no mushy parts. Store dried peaches in an airtight container.