Mix and bake the cake ingredients following the directions on the box. Use a 9 x 13 pan for best results. Allow cake to cool and crumble baked cake into fine pieces. Mix in frosting a tablespoon at a time until the cake dough filling holds together.
Use a small cookie dough scoop or a small spoon to scoop about 1 tablespoon of cake dough. Squeeze the dough together firmly and roll the dough into a ball. Repeat until you run out of cake dough. Place the cake balls on a cookie sheet.
Melt the candy coating in a small and deep bowl or a chocolate melting pot. Dip each cake ball into the melted chocolate and place on parchment sheet lined cookie sheet. Allow the coating to harden.
Decorate each cake ball with melted and drizzled candy melts in three different Easter themed colors. Sprinkle Spring or Easter themed sprinkles over the melted almond bark so it will stick.