How to Make Sourdough Focaccia

How  to make a delicious crispy sourdough focaccia with a buttery flavor  using sourdough starter. Focaccia is a great appetizer or can be served with a main course, soup or stews.


SOURDOUGH SPONGE Active Sourdough Starter Oil | Honey All-Purpose Unbleached Flour FOCACCIA Unbleached All-Purpose Flour Olive Oil | Fine Sea Salt  Course Sea Salt FOCACCIA TOPPINGS Onion | Green And Red Sweet Pepper

Mix the sponge ingredients in a bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place the bowl in a warm spot away from drafts. Allow the sourdough sponge to ferment and bubble for one to two hours or until bubbles of differing sizes are covering the surface.


Mix the additional focaccia ingredients into the sponge and knead for 5 minutes.  Form the kneaded dough into a tight ball and place the ball into the bowl. Drizzle with olive oil to cover the dough. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise until doubles, 1 1/2 -2 hours.


Pour ¼ of olive oil into the center of the baking pan,  swirling to cover the bottom and sides. Once the dough has risen until doubled in size gently punch dough down. Place the ball of dough into the center of the oiled baking sheet. Work the dough into the corners and up the sides of the pan. Cover the dough and allow it to rest until doubled in size.


Once dough has risen, gently dock the dough with your fingertips all over the top, leaving little impressions in the soft dough.  Sprinkle the top with coarse sea salt and any other toppings you are using before baking. Bake at 450°F for 20 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting into squares.


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